Thursday 23 February 2012

Dear Big Fat Americans

I recently happened upon the 'deep south', I don't know why it is called that, it did not look deep, it look flat and dusty. Anyway, I have a few questions:

Why does everyone wear cowboy hats? It does not seem like a very efficient kind of hat. For example, if you are in a crowded bar you could get hit in the bearhead with many a cowboy hat. Also, if it rains doesn't rain water get trapped in the brim? Although maybe that is the point, I suppose in the desert you need all the water you can carry.

Another thing I thought was weird, was that men wear cowboy boots which have heels on them... from what I understand of the men in the deep south they have no time for cross dressing or any of that kind of nonsense. I actually got called a hippy while I was there! I knew I should have left my Donovan t shirt at home. Anyway, with such extreme views on the world I find it interesting that men claiming to be cowboys get to wear heels, an alarming amount of leather topped off with a billion rhinestones. In London we call that a drag act.

In Dallas airport we had to get a train to our gate - in England they just make you walk, I don't know if I think this is because the government are mean or so that we don't all get big and fat like Americans. That being said I didn't see too many giant fat people which was a shame, I was hoping to see at least one person being airlifted out of their house. I also didn't see any trailer parks or members of the KKK, all in all it was quite a disappointing trip.

Kind Regards,

Dr Bearhead

Ps. If you live in a trailer park I would be delighted to accept an invitation to a roadkill bbq on my next trip!