Tuesday 15 March 2011

Dear scientists who believe in evolution

Whilst I wouldn’t necessarily say that I do not believe in evolution – I kind of get the big bang theory and I don’t buy that Adam and Eve thing – but if monkeys turned into man why are there still monkeys?

I just can’t understand a situation where a monkey would think it would need thumbs and I think they actually have an advantage over humans in terms of getting around on all fours and being pretty fast. Because if you were in a fight with a monkey, not a little one like the one in friends but a massive one like in King Kong, then you would probably lose. Which makes humans not as good.

Also, I don’t think that having no fur and needing to wear clothes is actually evolving. If you think about it properly having to MAKE clothes because you are cold should mean that, evolutionarily speaking, humans should grow fur so that we didn’t need clothes, so if anything we are probably going backwards, back into monkeys. Maybe, like the way that the universe expands and explodes etc humans evolve from monkeys and then become monkeys again. Something like that, anyway, my point is that if we evolved from monkeys then natural selection would have meant that monkeys no longer existed. But they do, so we couldn’t possibly have evolved from monkeys. Maybe humans evolved from velociraptors? I think this makes loads more sense because if you watch Jurassic park the velociraptors learn very quickly and if anything was going to decide to evolve it would be them. Monkeys seem pretty happy swinging about and having a nice time.

Recently I went to Ethiopia and I saw Lucy the ‘oldest human skeleton’ and she looked like a monkey to me.

Kind Regards,

Dr Bearhead


  1. Okay, now listen up bear, I'll only type this once.

    We didn't evolve from monkeys.

    We have a common ancestor with a primates, and a close common ancestor with apes, particularly chimpanzees.

    You raise an interesting point about Velociraptors however. An issue of science journal 'Star Trek Voyager' looked (into the future) and discovered a race of dinosaurs that DID evolve into reasoning creatures. They left the Earth before the meteorite hit and ended up in the Delta quadrant.

    You can read about the discovery here


  2. Mr Bearhead you are an affront to science sir, and I challenge thee.
